
Jul 045 min read

Writing Content

This is a topic that I have had come across my TL a lot recently. If your finger is on the pulse in the Stacks ecosystem, you can feel the momentum. Like I have told you in the past, when you are buying in a bear, look at who is building. What you are seeing right now is a growing community, more apps every day, and some very exciting technology being brought to market. Within this community exist a high percentage of people who are looking to add value. They see the vision, they love Stacks and Bitcoin, and they want to help grow the space. This is exciting, and it is fascinating for me to see how the Stacks community is growing relative to the projects I have seen in the past.

But I digress.

I am exhausted bro's. I have a really thoughtful piece I am working on, but I am just not operating at a high enough level to give that piece the respect it deserves. However, this topic that keeps coming up will allow me to give some thoughts. This is easier for me to do, and I need to get some work out there. So I hope you find this helpful.

How do I create more written content ?

I cant tell you. I can only tell you what I do. I have always enjoyed writing, and this exist because I am a voracious reader. My reading is 70/30 nonfiction to fiction. Many blogs have been read. No reason why, other than I like to learn (on my terms, I was not designed for modern education). Most of the content that I write is narrative, and this comes easiest to me. When I decide to write some fiction, I will read more fiction. Fiction helps you think differently, my bride taught me that. She is correct, as this has been my experience. So my first piece of advice is this:

Read more of what you wish to write

What to write about?

I write about what I like. I am pleasantly surprised that you all like to read it. I spend a lot of time in the Stacks space, I get to talk to good people daily. A lot of my content comes from that, whether it is an interview or an idea. I like to trade. When the market is doing significant things, that part of my brain gets engaged, and I will hammer out some thoughts on the market. I might see something that concerns me on social media, and that can often inspire a post. I have been curating my social media, I try to avoid the infuriating things, and having more content that pleases me. The world doesn't need any more negativity, so I try to avoid that. I am more interested in solutions. I want to mentor young men, so I write about that. You get the point.

Write about what you like

Now, go write

Consistency. I am not a schedule guy. I respect it in people, but I don't have an abundance of it. One of the benefits of getting older is knowing who you are. That said, I taught myself how to play guitar, I am a recovering meathead, so I have learned discipline from the weights. I also have a bit of an obsessive personality, when I am interested in something it isn't difficult for me to devote time to it. I have learned that talent can only take you so far, you have to practice.

I don't obsess over what I write. I will occasionally use my bride as a test audience. Remember when I said that I am a voracious reader? This woman has read 10x the material that I have. She loves fiction, and we compliment each other in this way. I gauge her reaction, when she loves a piece, I know that it is good. It is a blessing. If you don't have a personal test audience, why not just have someone look at it for you. Works for me. I am more concerned about getting the information out, getting the work in, and having a great time.

Do you love it?

A relationship should be easy. Learning this is a lifehack. When you do something you love, its easy. Sometimes circumstances dictate that you have to do something out of necessity, but if this is a creative outlet? Do what you love, not what you think you should do (another life hack). I do not possess the talent of a visual artist. I don't much think I would like to be a podcast host. I could probably pull off guest, but this isn't where I want to focus my energy. You are obviously creative, so you will figure out your path. I hope you found this helpful.

In other news

Go check out my Twitter @jackbinswitch . We have a big announcement, by we I mean: Me,

@the_advisor_btc and @BowTiedPomer . Go check it out. We will keep you all up to date with the newest developments, and be on the lookout for some great content.

I have been having a lot of great conversations with the Stacks community. These people are building. Look for more interviews, and more focused content on the upcoming jacksjournalism blog. Ultimately I will launch that once Sigle is fully enabled. I have some work that I want to do that I will chronicle in there. I need more time, the only way that I will get that is by growing. So I grind, cheerfully, and thankfully. I wish you the best of luck on your endeavor. It is at this point that you realize that I have given you a blueprint. I am not saying its good, but I am saying that it is a place to start. Good luck. Until next time, Jack.

*The easiest way to DCA your Stacks here

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