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Mar 274 min read

Bitcoin Is Hope For The Future

We Need Hope

2023 has been an interesting year so far, and we are not even halfway through it yet. So far, we’ve had the 16th largest bank fail spectacularly, Credit Suisse getting bought out, and Jerome Powell going peddle to the metal with interest rate hikes that don’t seem to be doing much to slow down inflation.

Through all of this, I absolutely zen AF right now. I’m not worried about any of that nonsense right now, and if you are a true blue Bitcoiner, you probably feel the same way.

Bitcoin has given me peace of mind that I’ve never experienced in my life, and no, this is not hyperbole. Knowing that the money you worked hard to earn is safe from arbitrary confiscation and debasement allows you to focus on more important things in the world, such as your family, making your community a better place to live, or simply trying to be a better person.

When you are not constantly worried about what the stock market is doing, what the federal reserve is doing, or how much more money congress wants to spend, you can see everything the powers that be are doing as one giant dog and pony show. This is sad because their actions impact millions of regular folk like you and me. It also makes it impossible for foreign governments to improve the lives of their citizens. The entire system is a global Ponzi scheme, with the people at the top perpetuating the biggest crime in history.

If you adopt Bitcoin, you don’t have to worry about that because you opted into a system with a defined set of rules that will never change. This is what people need in their lives. A sense of permanence, something they can depend on to be there when they need it.

Bitcoin is the foundation upon which you can build your future for yourself and your family. I can tell you since I discovered Bitcoin, I’ve been more optimistic about the future and the world's future.

Being a millennial, it is easy to be black-pilled about the future, and I was for a bit. Look at what we had to grow up with.

Millennials Need To Choose Bitcoin Over USD

How are millennials supposed to get ahead when stuff like this keeps happening? When you combine this with the cost of going to college becoming prohibitively expensive and an oversaturated job market with people with college degrees working dead-end jobs and the ability to buy a home all but dead, the future wasn’t looking too bright for my generation.

According to a recent survey, 19 percent of men and 12 percent of women aged 25-34 live with their parents. This is prime earning potential for your career. If you live at home, you are not building up equity in a home, and you're not making enough to sustain yourself long-term.

Millennials will never be able to get ahead if they keep earning dollars instead of Bitcoin. Dollars are engineered by design to depreciate. The United States is the world’s reserve currency or a better way to frame it is the bank for the world. Most countries use the dollar to transact because it is easier than trading local currencies between different parties and is the most liquid, meaning there are dollars when needed.

The federal reserve can't turn off the money printer because the entire global economy would come crashing down if they did. So if you understand this, you know that any dollar you earn and keep in the bank will depreciate over time. This is why people put their dollars in real estate, the stock market, jewelry, and other items trying to beat inflation.

Adopting Bitcoin makes all this gambling a thing of the past. All you have to do is buy and hold. That’s it. After that, you can rest easy knowing that your wealth is secure and there when you need it.

Bitcoin is the hope that we desperately need in this world. The more people discover Bitcoin and understand what it truly represents, the better off humanity will be. Fiat money is making the economy and the people sick; Bitcoin is the cure. Join me in sharing the message of hope with others in your life and around your community. Bitcoin is our chance to improve the world for the next generation!

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