May 191 min read

How to Choose and Use a Humidifier for Sinusitis

A humidifier here can moisten the air in your indoor environment, easing the symptoms of sinusitis, like a stuffy nose, dry throat, and congestion. According to experts, the key to getting the most benefits from a humidifier is to keep it clean and to use it properly.

In this article, we’ll look at what to keep in mind if you’re thinking of using a humidifier to help clear up your sinus issues.

How does a humidifier help ease sinus issues?

Different humidifiers work in different ways, but the basic principle is the same: They release water vapor into the air. When the air you breathe is too dry, it can irritate your nose, mouth, and sinuses. The inside of your nose may swell, crack, and even bleed a bit. And the mucus your body produces may become thick and hard to remove.

According to sinus experts, adding moisture to the air with a humidifier is generally good for your sinus health. Moist airTrusted Source can help thin out and loosen mucus. And the water vapor in the air can moisturize and calm irritated airways and ease dry eyes caused by sinusitis.

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