Oct 233 min read

Arkadiko Post-Launch write-up

Fellow Arkadians,

Arkadiko Protocol went live three days ago and the response from the community has been incredible. The team is happy to conclude that our launch was an absolute success.

Let’s take a look at some numbers.
Over 13 million STX was committed to Arkadiko Vaults, which is more than 25 million USD. Vault depositors have minted over 4 million USDA. STX-USDA, the main liquidity pool pair, has over 4 million USD worth of liquidity.

The Arkadiko team is incredibly satisfied with these numbers and expect them to only grow from here on out. The big firework still needs to start, with emissions starting on Monday at block height 35300. All liquidity providers and DIKO stakers will start receiving DIKO emissions, which is sure to spice things up. Yield Farming on Stacks is here. Vault depositors will also receive their share of Vault incentives which run for 6 weeks. There is really no better place for your STX than within an Arkadiko Vault.

We delayed the release of emissions because we wanted everyone to have the chance to get properly set up. An initial stampede at launch was something we wanted to avoid, in case things broke or the network would get congested. None of those things really happened, which is great. There are a bunch of UI/UX issues we are fixing in the next few days to make the platform more transparent and informative.

Arkadiko Contracts were dominant on launch!

Building on Stacks has been a great experience and the fact that we are early is extremely beneficial in getting attention and traction. Unfortunately, it also means that a lot of the tooling we wish existed is not yet built out. Our main focus will be to provide price history and a clear dashboard for users in the coming weeks.

We thank all of you for your early support. We could not do this without you and the community could not be more understanding and patient with regards to small bugs and suboptimal user experience. These issues will be ironed out over the coming weeks as we improve our initial release.

In the meantime, make sure you are on top of the discussion by joining our discord and telegram. We need your help in educating new users and proposing new features and improvements.

Arkadiko is just getting started. Our arrival on Stacks will allow other protocols to extend the DeFi-ecosystem on Stacks. USDA and our Swap liquidity serve as vital building blocks for others and are really just the tip of a giant iceberg being built. Exciting times ahead!

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