Arno Carstens

Sep 291 min read

Arno Carstens Digitised

A prolific songwriter, performer, and fine artist, Arno lives to create.

 His music career began as front man of cult rock band Springbok Nude Girls during the domination of the record labels in physical retail; and spans the evolution of vinyl, cassette, CD’s, radio and MTV.  His solo career took flight during the revolution of web2 into mp3's, streaming music, YouTube and social media.  This year Arno joins those artists and communities pioneering the expansion of the arts into web3.

Arno held his first solo art exhibition in 2012 and continues to exhibit.  His art currently sells internationally from his online studio and at pop up live music and art events.

 Digitized is Arno Carstens' genesis NFT collection. 

 It marks the evolution of Arno's journey as an artist into the digital realm, merging his fine art with digital tools to create 1/1 enhanced versions of each original.

Join Arno's community on Discord, we look forward to meeting you there.

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