May 184 min read

Forever a Student of Bitcoin

I had recently returned home from 2 back-to-back deployments. The beautiful city of Jacksonville ,Florida is where I called home and soon would no longer. While floating around in Europe I figured it was the best time for me to purchase my first home in my new state of Virginia. Everyone purchases homes over spotty email, yes? I purchased the home over Basic-HTML gmail, sight unseen. That beautiful spot was exactly the solitude I needed after spending the last 11 months at sea and starting a brand new chapter.
That year was non-stop personal growth and healing. Upon selling my first home I had a nice chunk of cash and knew I needed to be more educated financially. I felt comfortable with traditional finance but recognized I had zero exposure to Bitcoin. I started with the Bitcoin and Blockchain online course offered by The University of California, Berkeley and haven't looked back.
The majority of society, myself included, have yet to truly grasp the sheer beauty and magic that Proof-of-Work (POW) provides humanity. The conversation regarding differences between POW and Proof-of-Stake (POS) should no longer imply these two technologies accomplish the same thing nor are they in competition. There is no global state of being and there is no global time. Astrophysicist's and economists still can't agree on issues like time-zones v.s. Greenwich Mean Time. I am in no way faulting their efforts, but I am doubtful we have come up with a better solution on how to connect the digital/informational realm. This gap between information is where Satoshi Nakamoto created magic, (she/he/they) created a fair and trust-less system by recognizing the time between signals being transmitted must be considered if you are to come to a true representation of consensus. Therefore, if you are to reduce block times to something less than the speed of light, I don't believe any system is accomplishing consensus fairly, it would be impossible. I personally did some research and discovered there are debates on varying speeds of light but it wouldn't change the point previously stated. POW takes long enough for the earth to truly come to consensus, with a slower block time everyone has the chance to be heard. I've seen people much smarter than myself mention terms such as "stake bribing" and "validator selection". This is where important questions such as the following should be answered: "Who can print, who decides, money supply, validation, how validators are chosen, who's the external clock"? POS technology starts feeling really scummy when it claims to be a cut above POW as a monetary system and time-stamp service. In order for POS to work it would still require a centralized external time service and our trust. It would be fair to assume that the easiest way to do that would be using some POW, the terrible technology that is supposedly going to melt the earth by using .5% of the all the electricity consumption worldwide.
The impact of a blockchain not coming to a true consensus can be better understood by a quick google search of the term "orphan block". POS blockchains with shorter block times will occasionally have blocks mined at the same time as others. This results in some blocks not being accepted by the blockchain. This is where POS falls short once again as a better solution to the double-spend problem.
In short, POS as a currency is merely the digital version of the fiat system but with cooler terms. Personally, I lucky enough to call myself a Bitcoin miner. As a partner of Blockware Solutions, I'm working with individuals who understand the power of cryptography and how Bitcoin will monetize entropy and protect the information of humanity. I truly wish the world would cut the shit and recognize POW for its beauty as a monetary revolution and more perfect monetary system and change the conversation to recognizing POS for its beauty as a way to leverage economies, cut out useless 3rd parties, while scaling easily and at low costs. The world should be stoked about Bitcoin and Entrepreneurs/Artist's should be excited about POS. They are both necessary and will improve the lives of many.
By the way, I'm way too busy to spell check these things. Please know in the future I'll always do my best but either I write it now or never!


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