Apr 293 min read

My Digital Friends

This past year has been an adventure and I have learned a ton about myself, relationships, and life. I'm sure everyone in our community could say the same and I hope your experience was positive. I want to begin sharing my thoughts more regularly using Sigle and get to know you all on a more personal level. Additionally, I want you to get to know the real me and the person behind the JPEG. I admit that I fall prey to not always being transparent online with my experiences and emotions, I have been trained to burry emotions in order to accomplish missions and minimize distractions. Fortunately, that "skill" I was constantly using in the military is no longer applicable in my day-to-day. Free speech and expression is a precious human right that propels us forward to bring about change.

About a month ago, I traveled to NYC to check out venues for the Megapont party this summer. One of the reasons this event is special is due to this party being our first meeting. We have connected thousands of people all over the world with only 1 thing in common for sure, you have a sexy JPG. Theoretically, these types of situations can play out positively or negatively based on the people who have joined. I have seen other communities tweet about how their event was "odd" because of the wide variety of people who attended. Let's be honest, it's pretty damn sweet knowing our event won't feel that way, although, I do want to address the so-called "people variety problem."

There isn't one, matter of fact, I wholeheartedly believe variety is the best part. The Megapont community has cultivated an environment where variety is sought-after and valued. The professions in the community range from lawyers, engineers, and landscapers to artists, developers, and parents. The majority of our community understands nearly all ideas are capable of offending someone. Some of the smartest people I know purposefully seek those with alternate views to debate with and afterwards you either have more conviction or realize it's time to pivot. Charles Darwin is a perfect example of such, he greatly offended religious people due to his work. Ironically, variation was something Darwin spent time studying. He concluded that environmentally caused variations may result from one factor or the combined effects of several factors, such as climate, food supply, and actions of other organisms.

I'm no Darwin, but our environmental factors sure are wonky these days and I'm happy we have adapted together. Natural selection will run its course no matter our opinion. Surround yourself with good people, the fun is just beginning. Cheers.

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