Jul 073 min read

High Frequencies & Consciousness

All things in our world are constantly in motion, vibrating. This constant motion in our universe and between various states result in phenomenon. After a short time, those close together begin to vibrate a similar frequency. Things "sync up" in ways that seem mysterious.
All things resonate at a particular frequency. Have you ever met someone and said, "that person had great energy"? You're not imagining those things. According to the University of California, "Synchronization, harmonization, vibrations, or simply resonance in its most general sense seems to have an integral relationship with consciousness itself." I know, I know, you devs out there may feel as though I am spewing hippy nonsense out of my mouth but hear me out. A few weeks ago, I headed back to our beloved NYC. I rendezvoused with numerous fellow humans who I felt the "sync up" moment with. Have you ever met someone for the first time and it feels like you're soaring on a vibrational disk that does not hesitate to reach higher-highs? It's as if various people begin showing up in your life in perfect synchronicity. The correlation between how you are feeling, the thoughts you are thinking, and the events that unfold are not coincidence but consciously manifested.
I'm improving my ability to love and appreciate the lower vibrational disks. There is beauty in experiencing a variety of emotions. When I experience sadness, I recognize the emotion comes from current vibrational variance between my current active thought and true desire. As humans, we have an emotional guidance system that I believe is undervalued and underutilized. As we progress further into AI technology and robotics, we mustn't continue to ignore our precious tool.
I find myself thinking more about the future than the past. Roy Baumiester describes the "Theory of Pragmatic Prospection" as a form of teleology in which "people think about the future so as to guide actions to produce a desired outcome." Optimistically, one imagines what they desire and then thought shifts to "how." Here is where most consider obstacles, requisite steps, and other potential problems, a feeling of "cautious realism and even pessimism", according to Baumiester. Our vast capacity to simulate counterfactual and nonfactual realities is through our power of conscious thought, an attribute that is uniquely ours. The thoughts you are thinking every day carry more weight than you realize. Together, we exert some control over which outcomes become truth. Choose wisely.

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