
Sep 092 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 8

cliffside cobbee,1969

Ektachrome, 64T

That night drive through the hills and along the coast is not one the doc would soon forget. He left that dense BLeU sight once he saw the rising sun start to change the night sky to dawn. Feeling more fulfilled and inspired than ever before, It was time to head back to his new home.

On that drive, this time doing the speed limit ffs, it was his mind that was racing through the hills. Infinite possibilities to explore. With the machine that the Mr. and Mrs. Doc built, they could quite literally create and do anything they could imagine. They could travel the globe in their present day, instantly. They could trigger a ‘tungsten-leap’ and travel to biblical times. Or even jump eons into the future. The limitations of what could be done were only confined to the density of their imaginations. 

The thoughts of where to start were truly overwhelming him. “Do I go meet up with Moses and help him part the sea? Not that he needs my help of course, but like, you know..moral support.” Or “Do I leap forward a century to see if the world has solved the issues of centralized everything?” These are the kinds of thots running around the Docs head. 

He pulled the DEN$EBORGHINI into the secret, cavernous road and parked it in the ‘Danker than Bruce Wayne’ garage. Before getting out the car, he took a few deep breaths to calm the brain waves. He knew waking up the Misses to a frazzled $uss would be a pretty smooth brain move.

The Doc forged a plan to finalize his mental cool down and re-densify his chakras. He remembered seeing a state of the art machine on a table near the main door. Above that table was a neon sign that read and pointed “Press your button of choice and then take it up there. Trust me bro.” Dr. $ obliged and climbed up to the hatch which opened with a hydraulic hiss. Stepping out he could feel the final grips of tension melt to the floor.

A sun-kissed gm, cliffside cobbee.

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