
Sep 022 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 4

The ™️’s ™️ (time machine), 1969  

Kodak 500T

After Dr. $ arrived to The Tungsten Manor aka The ™️, so many questions filled his consciousness. Where in the world is this [redacted] Province of Denstantinople? What is the purpose of ™️? Who built it? What is their mission? How long have they been here? And what was his wife's involvement in the entire decentralized organization? 

She was born and raised within The ™️ and part of her mission was to find the densest partner in Metacine and $cience and to bring him back to the organization. Her mission was of course a resounding success. Over the coming days, months and years the answers to these questions would materialize. He’d learn that his wife was placed in his life, not by chance, but by the Devine Hand of The Density.

Once Dr. $ was brought up to speed about the infinite energy supply from the Dankfusion Reactors, and after he put his blown mind back together, he asked his wife a question that would change everything. “Do we have a time machine?” 

She didn’t even have to answer, the smirk said it all. This is why he's here. The Wolfr[ai]m was the missing piece! They sprung into action and immediately started to buidl. This ™️ would go on to reshape the course of history. Not only would it allow the couple to travel through both time and space, they made it so it could materialize anything they could fathom. 

This image was captured far beyond their bed time with the Hassleblad Data Camera. That very camera would later be used a few months later on the Apollo 11 Mission - the mission that landed on the Moon, July 20, 1969.

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