
Oct 193 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 14

From The Fact❒ry || 3

Richard Bernstein, 1969

After an incredible dose of sculptural culture, It was time to walk back to The Tungsten Manor since Dr. $ and the Mrs. were itching for some breffast to curb the hanger. The Mrs. did her best to distract the Doc from his rumbling stomach. She shared more information about the region - so many sights to see and hidden gems to be found. All of this was really exciting for Dr. $, he loved a good adventure.

Dr. $ excitedly suggested that they have a quick bite to eat, pack up a days worth of snacks, and then go seize the day to explore the Lands of Denstantinople.

Once back at The Manor, Mrs. $uss couldn't help herself. Her excitement was bursting and Dr. $ could read it clear as day. "Okay fine. What must you show me before we have a quick bite?" Mrs. $ grabbed the Docs hand and began walking towards a bookshelf on the far end of the living room.

Dr. $uss thought she was going to show him a book or a special tchotchke - something that could have probably waited till after food. As they got closer to the bookshelf, she grabbed his hand tighter and started running. His heart began to race, why are we running...and running directly into a solid wall? He didn't ask questions - he trusted the Mrs. with everything in him.

He closed his eyes right as he was about to make contact with the wall - but he felt nothing and came to a stop. "You can open your eyes now" Mrs Dr. $ said.

Remember the massive private hangar where the DEN$EBORGHINI is stored? This space was about 4.2x the size. The bookshelf they ran through - that was their holographic and private entrance into the Tungsten Vault. This was the largest privately held collection of art in the world. The Doc couldn't believe his eyes. It contained never before seen works by the best artists in the world - all about the infinite power of the cube.

Mrs. $ had to sweep The Docs mind off the floor and help him gather himself. "We'll have time to explore this all later" she said. "But just take a quick glance over there, remember Andy Wahols' Factory? Bet you didn't know that he and his frens did a number of cubic studies for us."

How could he have guessed? Dr. $uss couldn't believe it. The "who's who" from the contemporary arts all made pieces reflecting their interpretations of the density. The Mrs. only let him take in a smowl corner of the space dedicated to Andy Warhols' Factory.

"Don't let your mind get lost here! We'll come back I promise. I'll answer all your questions and more. Let's go eat and explore!" said Mrs. $uss.

The Factory instillation features works from artists Brigid Berlin, Ray Johnson, Richard Bernstein, Keith Haring, Jean Michael Basquiat, and of course Andy Warhol.

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