
Sep 133 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 9

Black Cube, 1969

Tony $mith

While Dr. $uss was enjoying his cliffside cobbee, a gentle breeze came from behind, followed by an even more gentle embrace from the misses. She was so excited to bring him into the fold of the cube and take on this new chapter together. They sat there for a short while and took in the good !vibes of the sunrise.  

Needing to be transparent, he opened up about the thots he had on his gn time drive. He explained how he was a bit overwhelmed on what to do first with their new invention. There were so many experiments to be done. So much history to explore. So many problems to solve for all of humanity. She understood and deeply resonated with these pains. 

The Doc contemplated taking a trip into pre-historic and then biblical times. Or to travel into the future to see if there were significant issues that arose, so they could work on thwarting them today. Mrs. Doc listened without interruption. When Dr. $ took a moment to breath, she proposed a brilliant plan. 

“I know you feel a sense of urgency to study and immediately test the bounds of the density. We will do every test you can fathom and more, in due time. But before that, how about we explore everything the present has in store (1969). We’ll travel the world, explore the continent of Denstantinople, and walk the grounds of your new home - The Tungsten Manor.” 

The Doc really appreciated this approach. Keep it stupid simple as they say. He wanted to run right into things - but one must crawl, walk, and then run. Mrs. $ shared with him that all around The Manor, the organization had commissioned sculptures from some of the most prolific and dense artists alive. The continent was home to missing wonders of the world. There was so much to take in without even turning on the time machine. 

After thinking it over, he couldn’t come up with a better plan himself. The waifu was right, yet again. To best understand what needed to be studied in the days of history, the future, or a far world, Dr. $ needed to have an unprecedentedly dense foundation for the culture of the present era. 

They got right to it and began a gm walk of the 3695 giga-acre grounds. The explorable area was far too vast to do by foot alone, but this initial trek was to just scratch the tip of the ice cube. The way the property was constructed was rather unique. On one end of the property, the manor was constructed into a cliffside. Then a massive underground expanse was built, essentially a bunker. On the other side of the property was a similar sized exterior exposure in a lush forest. 

They walked a few miles until they got to the other end of The Manor, right where the $culpture garden began. Before them sat the “Black Cube” which was a commissioned work by renowned artist and architect Tony $mith. Beneath it was a plaque that had a profound quote: “It is the clear realization of the cube in space which we cannot see, which informs and makes Tungsten all that we do see.” 

After a few moments, they continued their walk to observe more of the density.

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