
Sep 022 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 3

™️, 1969.

Cinestill 800T

The date is April 20th, 1969. Dr. $uss had just synthesized Wolfr[ai]m in the lab of gmRH. Later that evening he got a mysterious call from an anon with a deep metallic voice. The voice said heavily, “One does not simply study the density. The density studies you” followed by futuristic (1995) dial tone noises. Then everything went dark.

Dr. $uss later woke up on a cubic shaped chesterfield, inside this striking home that seemed to be made out of Tungsten. Looking around, he noticed that all of his personal and $cientific belongings were there. Along with the most astounding art and advanced technology he had ever seen.

A female silhouette appeared from around the corner and softly said “We’ve been expecting you.” That voice sounded just like his wife. Dr. $, totally overwhelmed with questions and over stimulated by the mass of the situation, would later learn that he’s in the [redacted] Province of Denstantinople. He’d learn that this is his new home - The Tungsten Manor. (which is more like a giga fortress, embedded within a cliff, that has a not-so-smowl mansion hanging on the edge).

The Manor, or ™️ for short, is where some of the brightest thinkers, builders and creators reside. With 8,008,569 ❒ ft of space to work with and the infinite energy supply from the Dankfusion reactors - anything and everything is possible.

Shortly after Dr. $uss’ arrival and initial onboarding, he needed some fresh air to try and process it all. The Doc walked the perimeter of The Manor for a few minutes and then along the cliffside. He turned around to see the compound and it hit him all at once. He whispered to himself “We really are going to make it.”

This image, taken by Dr. $, is wrapped in a John McAfee coded Faraday cage to conceal geo-location details from the WEF/IMF.

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