
Sep 021 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 1

Dr. $uss, 1969.

Ektachrome 64T

At some point between a very late GN and very early GM, Dr. $uss was working tirelessly in the lab of gm Regional Hospital. The dedicated doctor was researching what he believed to be entirely new properties of Tungsten - the most dense, cubic, and awe-inspiring element on planet earth.

Shortly after this image was captured, Dr. $uss had a breakthrough and synthesized a new element - Wolfr[ai]m.

Wolfr[ai]m is able to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas simultaneously, no matter the atmospheric condition. What's even more astounding to the Metacal community, is when Wolfr[ai]m is used, it makes the parent element, Tungsten, even stronger and more dense.

Memeologists in disbelief.

Meme scholars began to run a number of models on the element. Preliminary tests indicated that there wasn’t anything as dank in existence. The $cientific community at large said there was no telling the magnitude of impact it'll have on the Science of Elemental Memetics and the world. Only time would tell.

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