
Sep 042 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 5

The Tiffany Cube, 1969. 

Ektachrome, 64T 

Dr. $, though wary at first of his new situation, realized that he was brought into a once in a life time opportunity. Infinite resources, no distractions, and a rule set that transcended the traditional world. In other words, there were no rules. This was a gift from God himself. The good fake Doc was overwhelmed with gratitude for this new chapter of life. He needed to find a way to thank Mrs. Doctor $uss.

The selflessness of this woman is unquantifiable. She found him when he was nothing. Worse than nothing actually. Dr. $ was broken after the world had taken everything he had built. But she saw the light in his heart and depths of his memetic mind. The day he met her, he knew. She immediately became his foundation of hope and motivation to rebuild not only his personal life, but rebuild the dreams he had as a child. How can a man say thanks to a woman who has given him everything? 

After the duo finished building the time machine, they just sat there. Staring at their creation and then at each other. Smiling at what they just built and what they’re about to embark upon. That’s when the gift idea literally shined right in his eyes. 

Mrs. Doc was given a smowl Tiffany necklace as a child and never took it off, not even once. The light from the time machine reflected off of that necklace and winked at Dr. $, telling him exactly what to do. 

The Doc told the misses that it was late and he’ll tidy up the space so they can start initial testing in the gm. After a warm embrace, she headed off to bed in their ward of the manor. With the misses now asleep, Dr. $ put the machine into “materialization mode.” He had the machine make an incredible elegant Tiffany bracelet, the first of its kind. A smowl, but incredibly dense token of appreciation of his love and gratitude for this new beginning. 

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