
Sep 242 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 11

Early ❒ne Morning

Anthony Car❒, 1962

Dr. $ was loving the walk through sculpture garden on the grounds of The Manor. He felt re-centered, inspired, motivated, and filled with hope. Mrs. Doc could feel the shift in his vibes which brought her a sense of calm. 

While walking down the path to the next sculpture, there was this distinct low rumble that the Doc and Misses could feel in their held hands. Dr. $, startled, started looking around - up into the sun-lit canopy and below in the shadowed brush. Worried, Mrs. Doc asks “What was that?!” Taking a few more moments to truly milk the sell, Dr. $uss recomposed himself and says “Oh that? That was just my stomach” - the hangry was setting in. 

The Mrs. eyes nearly rolled out of her head with a classic “ppsshhh” and flippant hand gesture. Dr. $uss living up to his name once more. They agreed to head back shortly for some breakfast of Eggs and SeaHam. But just one more sculpture they said. 

Just around the bend was the next piece to be taken in. And what a fitting piece it was to wrap up the morning stroll. ‘Early ❒ne Morning’ by Anthony Car❒. $ignore Car❒ was well regarded for his dense and sophisticated works that stand at the forefront of sculptural development. Sometimes transcending space itself. This piece was no exception. 

With the ability for the viewers to be completely immersed in this particular works, Misses and Dr. $ went inside the cube for an early gm sit before their walk back home. Inside was a painted quote on the wall from Anthony:

“I would like to continue being radical & dense. As you get older, some of the world catches up and it’s passed you. In the 60s you were on the crest of a wave because you were part of the cube. I don’t want to be a square in the mud and do the same thing as I did last year, I want to do something super dense and see what happens.” 

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