
Sep 012 min read

Wolfr[ai]m ❒ 2

$ignore Vincente Van Density, 1869.

Oil on Canvas

This self portrait of Vincente Van Density, by VVD, currently resides within the secrete and elusive Tungsten Manor which is believed to be located in the [redacted] Province of Denstantinople.

The portrait is mounted above the fire place and overlooks where all the important decisions are made - the cubic conversation pit. The painting is encased and fortified within a fire, water, ice, hater and cake proof enclosure.

A very smowl group of people have been able to view this piece in the flesh. But whispers ripple through the culture that when in its presence, one can see the warm star light of hope, dancing in the right hand and even feel the magnetic pull of the density in your chest. An anon source purports that when looking away from the painting, just before he’s out of the periphery, that he winks down upon you and the path you’re on.

Van Density is believed to have been one of the most prolific art collectors, curators and creators in the world. With a distinct palette for the pentimento, he'd travel the globe searching for the most exquisite art and memes that transcend the ages. Not only did he collect, but he also protek - a true protector of the culture and the free world.

Of course none of this is confirmed but the tales of VVD will be carried for generations to come.

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