Jun 13•2 min read
ISEA, International Symposium on Electronic Art, is one of the most important annual events worldwide dedicated to the crossroads where art, design, science, technology and society meet. With it comes an enthusiastic international and local community, ready to work together to develop this interdisciplinary field.
It is at the same time interdisciplinary, inter-institutional, intersectoral and international, making it possible to bring together in a single event a congress for academic and independent researchers, an open conference program, round tables, a professional meeting space, a set of exhibitions of artistic pieces, demos and prototypes, workshops, performances and artists talks open to the city and citizens with the complicity and involvement of local and international agents.
Geo-Llum has been presented at this amazing symphosium located in CCCB. We had the honor to have a round table mediated by Maria PTQK, an independent curator and producer interested in the crossroads between cultural practices and the technoscientific realm. In the talk were present Jose Carvajal from BIOE and UAH, Lorenzo Patuzzo and Carmen Tanaka from Akasha Hub and Green City Lab.
We were talking about material resources, ecology, design challenge, macrobiology and how microrganisms can help the city ecosystem, electricity and bioremediation and how is to collaborate with other non-human living beings.
At the end of the chat beetween us and the public we have been introducing at the workshop of how to create a MFC (Microbial Fuel Cell).
photos by: @claudiapmsantibanez
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