
Mar 231 min read

The Silent Innovator

The triers, the doers, the hidden talent, these people hack away at life’s troubles.

The Silent Majority

The Challenge makers

The Undiscovered

The Rebel

The Pirate

The Introvert

The Doer

The Hope Seeker

The Eternal Optimist

The Thought Starter

The Idea Maker

The Curiosity Seeker

You see the things others don’t.

You see the future that could exist.

You see the good in everything; the bad, the failures, earn from them and move onwards.

You see the potential, however small, in everything.

You Explore and Discover.

You are the Progress Maker.

You share your passion when you talk, even in a simple chat. Within is built knowledge that others learn and grow from.

You experience life’s moments one at a time, with wonderment.

Patience and compassion are your foundations.

You are an inspiration.

This will always be your moment.

This is you,

and you probably

do not even realise it.

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