
Jan 193 min read

Part 1: Why does a Code of Conduct Matter?


I am writing a Stacks Improvement Proposal (SIP) for the Stacks Code of Conduct I created with a grant in 2021. If you haven't seen it yet, please take a look at https://github.com/stacksgov/pm/issues/132 and leave a comment.

The reason I am writing a SIP is that the code of conduct has not yet been formally adopted as the community's code of conduct. Most SIPs are technical and suggest changes to the Stacks blockchain, but SIP 000 (https://github.com/stacksgov/sips/blob/main/sips/sip-000/sip-000-stacks-improvement-proposal-process.md) allows SIPs related to governance changes to be proposed. SIPs provide the means for proposing and collecting input from the Stacks ecosystem participants and ratifying changes to the Stacks blockchain's design, governance, and procedures.

I am writing this article to encourage feedback on the code of conduct, either through the linked RFC or in a future SIP. Community feedback is essential for making changes in the Stacks community, from grants for new projects to changes in the blockchain.

The Importance of a Code of Conduct

Last year, as a governance resident, I researched the governance of the commons. Elinor Ostrum's book "Governing the Commons" outlines eight principles for sustainable and equitable governance in a community:

  • Clear group boundaries

  • Rules that match local needs and conditions

  • Ability to participate in modifying the rules

  • Community rule-making rights respected by outside authorities

  • Monitoring by community members

  • Graduated sanctions for rule violators

  • Accessible low-cost dispute resolution

  • Responsibility for governance in nested tiers

The commons refers to shared resources that are managed for the benefit of a group of people. In the context of a web3 community, the blockchain or protocol is a commons because it is a shared resource collectively maintained and governed by the community. Members use the blockchain or protocol to exchange value, share information, and interact with each other in a decentralized way. The term commons can also refer to shared resources like data, information, digital assets, or tokens that are accessible to community members and can be used, traded, or shared.

Having a code of conduct is important for promoting positive behavior and preventing negative behavior. The outcome of a well-written code of conduct is more significant than just a set of rules. A code of conduct can:

  • Create a positive and inclusive environment

  • Promote civil and respectful discourse in the community, especially when discussing sensitive topics

  • Ensure all members are held to the same standards of behavior and face clear consequences for violations

  • Promote fairness and accountability within the community

  • Encourage people to share their ideas and become active contributors in a safe environment

In conclusion, a formally adopted code of conduct is beneficial for an active and growing community to make all members feel welcome.

In Part Two of this essay, I will discuss how a code of conduct reflects and upholds a community's values.

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