JRNY Newsletter Update + Discord News

Newsletter Release Date

The first Jrny into Web3 (JIW3) Newsletter will be released on September 5th, 2022. The JIW3 newsletters will be released on a biweekly basis with mini JRNY updates the following week! The newsletter and JRNY updates will follow the topics from the Jrny into Web3 YouTube channel.

Jrny Into Web3 YouTube

Community Support

Hey all, I just want to thank everyone for their support! I have received so many positive comments and encouragement on the recently released article (The Truth About Stacks & Bitcoin) and it’s been a whirlwind of a surprise!

To commemorate this! I am opening up the JRNY discord EARLY to all Substack subscribers! If you are not subscribed already, you may want to, in order to get the OG discord role. The OG role is limited to the first 100 members! This role will have certain advantages over other roles within the discord, like access to early episode releases, giveaways, and more!

All subscribers will be sent the official discord link.

JRNY Discord

The JRNY discord is a Bitcoin & Web3 community. Jrny Into Web3 will help bridge the gap, educate, and to create content to explore the full potential of bitcoin and Web3!

I look forward to seeing you all in the discord!

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