
Feb 216 min read

Accelerating the advent of user-owned Internet with Freehold

Are you aware that our data and identity are having a serious threat in current Web 2.0? Is your digital privacy compromised? First of all, Why does privacy matter? The answer to all the above questions is "Yes, Digital Privacy matters because it is my fundamental right but sadly it is being compromised in the current Web".

From phones in our pockets to biometric databases that identify us (to government officials), serious threats are emerging for our privacy. All of us are somehow stuck in a filter bubble. Each time we click, watch, share, or comment, search engines, and social platforms harvest information. In particular, this information serves to generate targeted advertisements.

How does it matter if search engines understand my preference and give suggestions? Isn't it more like a convenience?

Well, the answer is , As Eli Pariser warns: “Your computer monitor is a kind of one-way mirror, reflecting your own interests while algorithmic observers watch what you click.”

To be short, In the current digital world, WE are the product and we don't have our digital rights. The threats to digital privacy are emerging every single day. The privacy crisis in the digital world is huge. Check this video to know more about filter bubbles.

So, is there a solution to all the privacy threats? Or do I have to live with it? The answer is " Yes, there is a solution". "Building/Supporting a user-owned internet" in the Decentralized blockchain technology is the need of the hour.

How can Decentralized technology (Crypto and Blockchain World) help solve the privacy issue?

Cryptocurrency and blockchain platforms are trying to become decentralized protocols for the next Internet iteration, "Web 3.0." Unlike early web protocols, which are generally maintained at no cost to developers (or large tech companies), the decentralized protocol layer is transparent, everything is public and auditable here. Here, in blockchain tech the potential use cases and benefits are endless. The technology is very powerful wherein the users can be put in control of their data and identity.

For eg: In the current Web, our data is largely stored in data servers. Even if user data is not monetized and sold to third parties, it is possible that the servers and databases can be breached in the current Web. Whereas, in web 3.0, all user data is stored in secure and decentralized data storage protocols. Data in the blockchain is generally immutable and hence leak is less prevalent here.

There are currently multiple blockchain-based protocols available. If you haven't yet, then it's time for you to explore the Stacks ecosystem, which aims to provide a platform to build user-owned internet. There are already multiple apps such as BlockSurvey, Sigle, Pravica, etc. built on top of Stacks 2.0 that puts users in control of their data and identity.

Okay, I got it. I am not a developer, and is there a way for me to support this mission? Also, is there a way for me to be benefitted from supporting this mission?

Well, the answer is "Yes, you can and the best way for you to do is to Join Freehold ".

What is Freehold??

Have you noticed, some of the cryptos such as BTC, ETH, STX are shooting up? Well, Cryptocurrencies are generally used as an alternate source of income or traded for their market values. But in most cases, they are the fuel to the smart contracts /tech that supports building apps. Instead of spending them, if we HODL them, then we can utilize the power of crypto to incentivize and accelerate the advent of the user-owned internet. This is the mission of Freehold.

Freehold is a model that creates communities that share value and can earn crypto they actually use. The Freehold model aims to have more impact per dollar spent than traditional startups while creating more stakeholders earlier on.

Oh ya, it is interesting!! How does the Freehold model work?

The concept is very simple. The Freehold model works by creating a new set of people "user-stakers". In this model, imagine you have crypto holdings and you can sign into applications /communities with your crypto holdings. Isn't it amazing? So, if you are a HODLer and interested, you can joinfreehold community, earn crypto, and at the same time, you will become a deep stakeholder too.

How can I earn?

If you join Freehold, you can contribute in any way you can, as long as you trust the proof of HODL. Few options are listed below:

  1. Educating about the mission using memes/videos/podcasts/blogs/vlogs etc.,
  2. Developing a new set of tools in the tech towards building a user-owned Internet

Moreover, you can even Grow up your crypto community using Freehold!

Great, so how does it solve the privacy issues?

The Freehold model incentivizes the efforts of users who believe-in and contributes to user-owned internet. It also involves them as a stakeholder. This in turn, definitely speeds up the advent of the user-owned Internet. If the user-owned Internet evolves quickly, the digital privacy issues will slowly reduce.

Awesome, How can I join freehold?

Joining Freehold is very simple. All you need is an interest and a decent Internet connection, plus a few cryptos. If you don't have one, no worries, you can earn. Some simple steps are listed below.

  1. Start by knowing more about Freehold, here.
  2. Next, Join Freehold.
  3. You will have a quick interview and an initiation task.
  4. Once you complete the initiation task, you will earn an initial reward and then you will be onboarded.

Post that, you can happily collaborate with the great community and at the same time contribute towards the advent of user-owned internet in anyways you can and also earn some crypto.


Digital privacy threats prevalent in the current Internet are increasing every day. The best solution to get back our fundamental right, "Digital Privacy", is to start building/contributing towards the user-owned Internet being built on the blockchain. Freehold is a movement that accelerates the advent of user-owned Internet.

If contribution towards the mission-user-owned Internet is being rewarded or incentivized, why not join the movement? Come, Join Freehold !! Let's become a stakeholder in accelerating the advent of user-owned internet!!! Let's put a full-stop to the digital privacy threats!!

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