
Jul 1510 min read

Witches of the West Indies

Blue ocean ripples and crisp white sand, a picturesque view that is anyone's dream. The same can’t be said for Jayla. For somewhere out there is where you might find her worst nightmare. It takes the shape of a human and goes by the name Damien. A simple fisherman by trade, though often mistaken as a model. He stands tall, dark, and handsome like a vision pulled directly from her fantasy.

She recalls a time not so long ago when the mere thought of him filled her with nothing but butterflies. Today, as she stares at her reflection — one that’s becoming harder to recognize, she can only think of him for what he’s been to her — a monster.

Luckily for Jayla, online tutorials and heavy foundation always do the trick. Any evidence of her encounter with the monster just last night is concealed with each brushstroke.

She knows unmistakably she tried her hardest to avoid what she now understands is unavoidable. A glimmer of hope, maybe? That he would remember she’s starting her first job today, and so just perhaps, he would hit her anywhere but her face this time.

It's probable he’s been able to figure out what she knows to be true. This job is an opportunity to gain her independence. Every detail is already mapped out in her mind. It may take months, but escaping is now everything she dreams of. She's come to appreciate that his schedule operates like clockwork. She is prepared so that when the moment arrives, the go-bag that she has hidden at the back of the closet will be all she needs. With no telling what happens next — she just prays he lets her go.

Jayla puts the finishing touches on her uniformed look. A white blouse with the sleeves rolled up, paired with black jeans and sneakers. A sight she must get used to as a new server at one of Grenada’s most pristine resorts. She heads to the front door, and great there it is. The ever-familiar apology note tucked just underneath her keys.

She reads:

Good luck today! I know you will do great. You know I believe in you like nobody else ever will. I’m sorry about last night, it’s the last time, I promise. I just love you so much that it gets the best of me sometimes. I’ll make it up to you tonight. Please, don't be mad. I’m sorry!

— Damien.

Jayla rolls her eyes and balls up the note. For the last two years, the excuses and empty promises all sound the same. She knows better than to believe any of it. It's inconsequential that the monster has the capability of appearing kind. It seems only yesterday that she thought of herself as the luckiest girl on the entire island. She landed a guy that so many other women pined after. She almost felt grateful to him for choosing her above all his other options.

She fell hard and fast, despite the strong objection from her family. Damien was all she ever wanted. It's been two years since she left home, but oh, what wouldn't she give up to get back there. The question then becomes, how could she? After all that has happened, the shame and guilt make it impossible to return. She's lying in the bed that she's made, now she must find her way out.

For the first time in what seems like forever, Jayla envisions all the possibilities of a monster-free life. She shuts the door behind her, excited to embark on this promising new chapter.

A fifteen-minute bus ride brings her to her destination in the upscale True Blue neighborhood. A world away from her beachfront shack and an ideal island getaway. As she walks along the path towards the luxurious structure, she can hardly believe she gets to work here every day.

A smiling figure just outside the entrance runs up to greet her. It’s Cassie, her longtime friend and the only reason Jayla was considered for this position. The two young women embrace each other warmly before entering the resort.

Jayla is further mesmerized by the interior and stops for a few seconds to take it all in. Strangely, staring at the ocean view from here does not remind Jayla of her monster. Instead, she's able to find a moment of peace. Just before an eager Cassie grabs her by the hand and leads her to the busy restaurant.

For hours Jayla trains tirelessly with Cassie as her guide. It's really quite impressive — the way her friend floats across the restaurant with trays in hand. While Jayla stands, smiling in the background, she's almost impatient to try it herself.

After what seems like an entire day, the restaurant buzzes with life as the lunch crowd shows up in droves. This is it, the moment she wished for — the chance to prove that she's got this.

The opportunity presents itself when Cassie assigns her a single table at the far end of the restaurant. Sitting at the table is a lone woman whose unusual attire is cause for speculation. Dressed as if in mourning, the woman sits in all-black with no hint of skin showing. Not to mention the oversized hat that is completely shielding her face from view. Not the outfit choice you would expect from someone at a beach resort.

Regardless of the guest's attire, Jayla is thrilled to put what she's learned to the test. So, she approaches the table, but before she can utter a single word...

“A glass of Cabernet, please,” says the mysterious guest.

“Sure, can I get you anything else? My name is Jayla, and I am your server for today.”

“Just that and the bill, thanks.”

Jayla is left thinking of how weirdly different this table is from all her other experiences this morning. This lady didn’t even look up to address her. There was no way to tell what she even looked like under the enormous hat. It's possible by her outfit choice that she could be a tourist but, her accent is unquestionably local and familiar even. Oh well, a glass of cabernet and hopefully her first tip are Jayla’s thoughts as she walks away.

With the wine and bill in hand, Jayla again approaches the table and offers further assistance to the mystery woman. The lady sips her wine with her back towards Jayla, completely ignoring her statement.

A disheartened Jayla only returns to the table to clean up after noticing the woman had left suddenly. Exactly $14 is sitting on the bill tray — precisely the cost of the wine. Jayla sighs, an undeservingly generous tip wasn't her expectation, but no tip is just rude.

She continues clearing the table, picking up an unfolded black napkin. Jayla could hardly believe her eyes when she realizes what sits underneath. Two stacks of freshly printed cash, each bounded by a label reading $10,000. She quickly covers the money with the napkin. Once she was sure no one was looking at her, she stuffs the cash in the front pocket of her server apron. Her heart races, $20,000 is more than she would make working here in a year. Besides, this money will more than doubled in her local currency. It’s all she’s been hoping for, like an answered prayer.

Who was this mystery lady? Does she even know that she possibly saved someone's life?

Jayla completes her shift as if nothing had happened, leaving the resort the most excited she’s been in a long time. She hurries home and could barely believe her luck when she gets there. No Damien! It’s like the stars are all aligned and just for her. This is it — the moment to execute her escape!

She rushes to the bedroom, directly to the closet, and grabs her go-bag. The hairs at the back of her neck stand up as she turns around to see the monster at the bedroom door. She freezes, holding the cash in one hand and the bag in the other — dropping both with the sound of his voice.

“What are you doing?”

Damien slowly walks up to her, eyeing the wads of cash now lying on the floor. He looks Jayla directly in the eyes before grabbing her hair. He pulls her down with him as he picks up the money off the floor.

“What’s this, huh?”

Jayla groans in pain, seeing flashes of her hopes evaporate. She feels her pain slowly turning into a burning rage, igniting every cell in her body. Damien releases her hair and lifts his hands to strike her. But before he could land a blow, Jayla lifts her hands to block her face. To both of their surprise, her hands are filled with red hot fire. Suddenly, the money in his hand begins slowly burning.

She stares down at her palms in utter shock before turning her attention to Damien. There is he, the monster, now cowering in a corner with fear in his eyes. With the growing fire in hand, she walks up to him, envisioning every time he’s lifted a hand to hurt her. She now holds a power that she didn't even know to exist — giving her the ability to enact revenge on this tormentor. As she stares into his fearful eyes and sees her own reflection — she refuses to become the monster he is.

Jayla allows Damien to escape, and her hands return to normal. She turns around to notice the fire in the room had slowly died — leaving only ash in its place. Saddened and frustrated, Jayla runs over with tears in her eyes. She brushes away the ashes, hoping to salvage some of her belongings. But, what she found underneath the ashes was nothing she recognized to be in her possession.

She picks up this small, black notebook — in pristine condition, with no evidence of the recent blaze. As she flips through the empty pages, her instincts are to run her fingers through it. When she does, the unimaginable happens. The pages radiate with gold light, funny-looking diagrams, and a language she doesn’t understand.

Just then, another flame emerges at the foot of the bed. The fire vanishes suddenly, and Jayla gasps when she sees the mystery woman in its place.

"This book is your birthright, guided to you by your ancestors. It will unleash all the power that you hold and be the light that guides your path back home."

The woman lifts her head, and Jayla is flooded with tears. She immediately recognizes the mystery woman as her mother. Then in an instant, the apparition disappeared.

Jayla holds the book to her chest, and awareness becomes clear. Having the right amount of money was not the answer to being set free. The discovery of her own internal strength was all she needed to break the chains. Not a temporary fix but a permanent power. One that will set her on a path to never be shackled again.

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