Oct 28•3 min read
The Democrats have seen their future. It is certainly a grim one where they continue to scream the loudest because they lack a true set of ideals. Their war is a cultural one they anticipate to win simply because they have been winning it for a couple of decades. Why do you think they are throwing a hissy fit about President Donald Trump? They are starting to lose the culture war...albeit slowly.
What good would come of them removing President Trump? Really, not much for them for about a year...as Mike Pence would be the EVIL replacement. Gay conversion therapy is now impending...Obviously, I'm kidding.
President Trump is a success as POTUS by any metric you want to throw out. The only issue that is still displeasing his supporters, is the distinct lack of wall on our southern border. In fact, I go one step further and I support a full ban on immigration for 20 years plus a complete removal of all illegals regardless of their tenure as law breakers in this land. While we're at it, let's advocate for emigration to help ease our infrastructure and let the leftist whackadoodles have their leave.
Impeachment without any tangible details being released means the Democrats know they have nothing and it is a faux proceeding in order to change public perspective. As I stated, it's a culture war. They want to keep Americans from the polling booths next year while they continue a mass importation of freeloaders who vote the way their told as long as they get that monthly check.
The more Trump does for this nation, the more the left hates him. He isn't establishment nor conventional. He says mean words and that's not how we're allowed to politic according to the left. Well, you can say mean words, but only about bad people. Well, bad people as in white, males. You know, the same ilk who created this great country and are the reason that the western world is so great.
"ANTI-AMERICAN SCUM!" is what the left screams, ironically, as Trump and his followers clamor to preserve American values and freedoms. You're anti-American if you don't support an impeachment against a president who has committed a grand total of ZERO crimes as commander-in-chief. You're anti-American if you think that importing busloads of third world residents with virtually no skills is going to hurt the fabric of our society. You're completely anti-American if you've noticed that the only place diversity is preached is in WHITE MAJORITY nations. You're anti-American scum if you want to enjoy white culture and white people.
President Trump has made the economy better and America intimidating once again on the international stage. Impeachment of President Trump is something only anti-American scumbags support. Impeachment is because the Democrats can't take another four years of not getting more of your money and another four years of preserved American values...impeachment means success. It means we are successful because POTUS has been so successful, it's threatening the Democrats way of life.