
Mar 072 min read

GM Parrot - The First Stacks Parrots Game

As you know at the Stacks Parrots we do a little buidling.

Whilst EoMGames and Cirro have been working on Parrot Galleries 2.0, EoMGames had been dabbling with a little pixel art. As you will have seen the little gm and gn parrot stickers floating around the server.

EoMGames has been a unity dev for a long time, and has built out quite a few games, and thought, why don't we create some Parrot games.

And thus the GM PARROT game was born.

This is not token gated, and is freely available to anyone on our website, the aim is to defeat the GN Parrot with the GM Parrot. As an mvp it is a basic game, however, it is a little taste of the capabilities we have to build moving forward, to to create an even more immersive and captivating experience of being part of the Pandemonium, and being a Parrot holder.

In the future there will be token gated aspects to our gaming.

Our gaming will only ever be p4f which means play for fun, no ponzinomics, no p2e, no grind required, no in game this and that, just fun. Because fun is good.

Wen Parrot Galleries 2.0? Soon.

But enjoy trying to defeat the GN Parrot in the meantime.

Stacks Parrots: Metaverse Galleries, Parrot Radio, and now Gaming.

A huge thank you and shout out to @longstreet.btc for allowing us to use his brilliant track "The Girl From Stacks" as the backing track to the game.

Mint the track now for 5stx:

GM Parrot:

Oh and btw you can actually play this with xbox controllers.

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