Secure Your Freedom Now!

Nov 304 min read

Bitcoin Is The Money Of Our Time

As you know I am a huge fan of Bitcoin and share information about it on a regular basis. I don't do this because its some get rich quick scheme. I advocate for Bitcoin and urge everyone to adopt it as the best money for the 21st century because I sincerely believe in the technology and will benefit humanity greatly once everyone is on the "Bitcoin Standard".

There are 2 reasons why I believe in the Bitcoin protocol and you should too.

1. It Is Hard Capped at 21 Million Coins

Everyone understand the concept of a limited supply these days or least I hope so. Every business uses this tactic to intice consumers to buy. For example maybe you favorite business is selling a product with limited availblity, it instantly becomes more valuable to you because you know that someone else might swoop in and buy it before you do.

This same principle applies to Bitcion. There will only be 21 million Bitcoins ever produced. It is written into the code of Bitcoin and can not be altered unless 90 percent of Bitcoin programmers agree to change the code. Have you ever tried to get a large group of people to agree on anything?

This is all but impossible. When you throw in the fact that everyone is geographically spread out all over the world, you start to understand how rock solid the Bitcoin protocol will be over the long haul.

In fact it has been said that 3.7 millions Bitcoins are permantely lost and can never be retrived ever again due to lost private keys or seed phrase. This in turn lowers the amount of Bitcoin in circulation and has the added benefit of driving up the price of Bitcoin. Simple supply and demand at work here. Can the dollar do that?

The dollar on the other hand continues to lose value as the Federal Reserve continues to recklessly print dollars to prop of the government and a ailing economy. This is a recipe for disaster. The national debt is appoxiamately $29 trillion and counting. Every taxpayer of the United States owes a whopping $229,706! This isn't sustainable and is down right scary.

Did you know the federal government has printed 22 percent of all the dollar created since the creation of the United States? This is another jaw dropping statistic. How does this not end badly for the dollar?

2. Bitcion Is Freedom From Tyranny

This is the second and most important reason why I believe in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the escape hatch from the tyranny of the majority. Bitcoin gives you your power back. You were born a soveriegn indiviual but as you went through the government schooling system you slowly unlearned this fact.

Bitcoin gives everyone the oppotunity to pursue life on their own terms, without governments, coropoations, univeristies and banks trying to manipulate you and acting against your own self interest.

Bitcoin can not be printed by the government. Bitcoin can not be siezed by the government. Bitcoin can't be fractionally lent out unlike the dollar. Hell you don't need banks to hold your Bitcoin. With Bitcoin you are your own bank. What is more empowering than that. You can send your Bitcoin half way around the world in as little as ten minutes. Compare that to a an ACH transfer that takes 2-5 business days!

Even if you are leery about Bitcoin at first, it doesn't hurt to buy a few dollars worth and HOLD it for the long term. Once you see that it appreciates in value over time, you will get it. I promise. Head down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. You will find plenty of people willing to help you learn more about the world of Bitcoin!

Until next time!

Good Resources

Bitcoin Magazine


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