Dec 012 min read

Silicon Heads V.1

Silicon head is a derogatory term chiefly, but not exclusively, applied to entrepreneurs or employees in the tech industry perceived to be wannabes of the successful tech entrepreneurs, closely associated with the venture capitals of California and the Silicon Valley area. 


They know more about the trends than the technology behind them.

Congruence is extremely rare in them. They can be vegan, pet parents, and anti-straws activists, among other measures to reduce their carbon footprint. Still, they carry a wallet full of cryptocurrencies, support bitcoin farms burning the world with GPU heat, driving electric cars without a stop to analyze if those trends are "eco-friendly" (Whatever it means) .

They dream of being entrepreneurs (millionaires), and they want it fast. However, instead of starting to work on "their-ideas", they spend years chasing V.C.s to get funding with shallow success possibilities. After years of failure (Learning, they say), we can find them as advisors for young entrepreneurs (Seeds of silicon heads). As a result, the startups they are "mentoring" become unviable and overcomplicated. They add unnecessary technologies like A.I. or Block Chain to simple and viable solutions, all to match the V.C.s checklist. (V.C.s are generally run by Silicon Heads as well).

Their philosophy knowledge is based on Anti-communism memes on Facebook and the Ayn Rand bot on Twitter, and a total disinterest from women beyond date some of them (With super low possibilities).

They admire Elon Musk, and Steve Jobs, speaking of them as friends, calling them genius or scientists as much as they can in each conversation.

In México there is a factory of them called "Tec de Monterrey" where they learn subjects like Innovation, posthumanism, entrepreneurship thinking, and guided tours to Silicon Valley each semester.

Twitter: @Inovercy83

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