Mona Liebowitch

Nov 212 min read

Monthly newsletter

Before you start, make sure you follow some basic rules such as:

  1. Balance your newsletter content to be 90% educational and 10% promotional. Your subscribers don't want to read only information about your company.

  2. Have a striking and creative title. Even if they subscribe at first, there is no guarantee that they will open your emails later.

  3. Add a cover image that reflects your business. This way, your audience will recognize you from afar.

  4. Convert your readers by adding a call-to-action or two. But not too many!

  5. Finally, don't forget to edit your story settings and add meta-data for your SEO.


Start with an introduction. This short paragraph (between 5 and 10 lines max) is there to get into the swing of things and to present to your audience the overall subject of your newsletter.

Do not waste it, a bad introduction can increase the unsubscribe rate.

Your first topic

Start talking about your biggest topic, or the most exciting news. This will keep readers wanting to read on. It's important to make an impact right away.

You can even add an image or a GIF for more entertainment!

Your second topic

Remember to vary the paragraphs to give rhythm to the reading. The more varied the chapters, the more likely it is that the reader will get to the end of your newsletter.

You can for example add a bulleted list:

  • First

  • Second

  • ...

Or a quote!

Edit me.

Your third topic

You can add as many paragraphs as you want. But be careful not to lose your readers in unnecessary text.


Finish with a (brief) conclusion of all that has been said and provide your readers with a global point of view or recap.

A lot of hurried readers will go directly to the end of your articles to get a summary. Don't skip it!

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