
Dec 052 min read

Why do we praise them?

When even our own crypto media outlets disgustingly cover “Too Big to Fail” Bank announcing their intent on embracing the new industry and spouting a bullish statement…

Why do we praise them?

When we’re literally praising the same institutions responsible for the money printing go brrr and inflationary pitfalls of our hard earned cash.

Why do we praise them?

When they’ve repeatedly bashed our space, laughed, and spatted at us as they handed out rated dog shit MBS and “robbery”- like products to the public.

Why do we praise them?

When their most likely intent of getting in the space is for control and manipulation.

Why do we praise them?

When they are continuously sleeping in the same bed with the government, who have shown numerous examples of why we can’t trust them.

Why do we praise them?

When they’ve continuously made the same mistakes and fucked over the people time and time again.

Why do we praise them?

When 99.99% of the people in crypto don’t even use their financial services.

Why do we praise them?

When their junior analyst comes out with a bullish sounding statement on bitcoin when any intern at any crypto startup can reiterate the same thing.

Why do we praise them?

When their so-called “in-depth” research report was merely a copy and paste of research done by the common folks in the space already.

Why do we praise them?

When they are the same entities bitcoin and all of crypto are trying to replace.

Why do we praise them?

When we actually don’t need them for mass adoption.

So why do we praise them?

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