
Oct 253 min read


A Short Letter on the Origin of the Pigeon

by Styled Pigeon

Dearest Readers,

I tend to think too much.

All that thinking has me wondering.  Where are we going?  What are we doing? And why?

Or better yet how?

I find myself having discussions with the people around me about, “What’s going on today? Why does it seem the world is falling apart?,” far more often than I did even as little as 5 years ago.  For the first time, I think I may have some semblance of an answer to these questions now.

While I can’t answer the questions for you in full, I thought I might serve as a trailhead. 

Which brings me to the task at hand.  

I’m launching an NFT Collection called Warrior Pigeons as a follow up to the Styled Pigeons Collection.  I’ve discussed this in multiple venues, mostly with close friends, but I’ve never made a public announcement about the purpose of my art.  It’s time I told you the purpose of the Pigeons.

I present to you, the Pigeon.  A rather overlooked bird, though their presence is certainly felt.  

They’re everywhere. Reminds me of us. 

They understand what it takes to survive and evolve, some unseen force guiding them.

I see the pigeon, and I long for a guiding force of my own. 

I believe that the answer to the questions above can only be answered after implementing a Value System (of some sort).  The destabilization of our culture and the echoes of the Nietzschean Death of God have eroded the structures upon which we stood. We forgot what story we were telling, and it seems to me we’ve altogether dispensed with Value Systems to our own detriment. The baby and the bath water.

I try to live by my Values, and though I often fail, I uncover more about what they mean to me, and still the way becomes clearer.  They give me a place to stand when I need it, and they give me a reason to lift myself from the muck occasionally.  Perhaps I’ll reveal to you what my personal values are one day.

Each collection corresponds to a different Value. I don’t pretend to know which values are best for each individual, but it’s become increasingly clear to me that it’s important that we pigeons have some guiding principle(s).  

I hope you partake of a piece.

My wish is that you adopt a value you see in these images or assign it a specific value of your own. Hold it, and let it remind you of whatever it does, whenever you need it to. Maybe you can even share those experiences with me sometime.  Maybe if we have a direction to aim, fewer of us will be lost.

For now, thank you, and welcome to the Pigeonhood.

with hope,

Styled Pigeon

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