Apr 04•3 min read
GM/GN Tigers!
We hope you are all doing well!
We will deliberately keep this newsletter short, as now is not the time to talk, but to act. We already touched on the key points in our last AMA and in the weekly updates. You can always listen to the recording from the AMA on Discord.
March was generally a month full of challenges and unexpected events. The main focus was to grow our team and launch staking.
We did the former pretty well. We hired a Unity Developer, a 3D Game Artist and a Marketing Expert. We will most likely be hiring another game developer this month. The team is highly motivated and works hard to realize our vision.
The development of the Jungleverse will take a lot of time. As you already know, to give you a foretaste of the quality beforehand, we will develop a 3D game "Jungle Combat" where you can fight against each other with your 3D tigers in tournaments. We also prepared some cool surprises. You will love it!
First sneak peek of our 3D Tiger:
About staking, we had to make a tough decision! We were in contact with four different lawyers and especially the last one informed us that NFT staking would legally lead to being classified as a security token. Thats why we decided to cancel staking. The smart contract was ready, but we didn't want to take that risk. We knew that many of you would be disappointed, but we have to think long-term. We want to be here even after 10 years. Furthermore, we are also convinced that we don't need staking to prove the quality of our project. Thank you for your understanding!!
Staking has been cancelled, but there will still be a token. The exact tokenomics will be announced soon. Tiger NFT Holders will be able to claim it for free on our website. When? Not sure yet, but we are aiming for the end of April.
March did not go as planned. But we are all the more motivated for April. Above all, we will focus again on marketing in order to become more present on Twitter.
The following tasks are scheduled for April:
Update website
Complete Whitepaper
Open Jungle Marketplace
Release Comic Episode #1
Further develop Jungleverse
Token distribution
Launch Animated Tigers
We will announce some important information in the next few days. There will be some changes. Stay tuned!
After we canceled staking, some of you were disappointed. However, many have shown understanding and shown us that they still have our back and believe in us! Thanks a lot for this! Your trust and constant feedback mean a lot to us!
Your trust and patience will pay off!