
Mar 203 min read

 The womb is the gateway to remembering the ancient; remembering our connection to the plants, and the Earth.  

Our womb is the home of mystery. When we connect to this part of the body, we’re connecting to that which is beyond this world.

 The womb is the gateway to remembering the ancient; remembering our connection to the plants, and the Earth.  

Cannabis is here on this earth co-evolving  with us, and at the most ancient, primal core of our evolution is our sexuality.

 There are pieces of the puzzle that are scattered everywhere.

 Let’s take a look at the ancient history of Tantra, cannabis, and sex magick.

 “When the Gods stirred the heavenly ocean with the peak of mount Mandara, a drop of amrita (sacred nectar) fell from the sky. Where it landed, the first cannabis plant sprouted. Lord Shiva brought the plant down from Mount Mandara for the benefit of mankind.” – Theodore Godlaski

“In medieval India and Tibet, sorcerers in search of magic powers glorified the use of a marijuana drink (bhang)… in Tantric sex ceremonies derived from the ancient soma cult. A circle of naked men and women is conducting an experiment of the central nervous system. They consecrate a bowl of bhang to Kali, goddess of terror and delight. As the bhang begins to take effect, the worshippers mentally arouse the serpent at the base of the spine, sending waves of energy up to the cortex.” (Aldrich, 1978)

 Amrita is sanskrit for “immortality” and “nectar” and is referred to in Hindu mythology as the elixir of immortality. It is said that Amrita is related to the Greek word ambrosia which also translates to nectar.

 Both of these words, amrita and ambrosia refer to female ejaculation, a function of the woman’s body which is shunned, ignored, and left out of the textbooks, leaving people to question if it’s actually real. Is it because there is no scientific purpose, because to acknowledge it would mean to acknowledge the sacred, and the mystery?

 It takes a profound level of presence and surrender to reach a state where the mind is quiet enough to allow the body to remember; it’s been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years, and for me personally (but I know I’m not alone), cannabis is one of the master teachers for helping the body remember.

Many of the ancient tantric manuscripts have been lost or damaged, and the idea of having an immutable and censorship free space available to record what’s going on in the world in this moment is the place where I want to put my writing. Thank you to the conviction and passion of the developers for bringing this technology to fruition. Humanity is forever changed.

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