
Apr 272 min read

Reawakening your childlike curiosity.

The more curious we become, the more we’re willing to surrender to the mystery that there is no separation in existence. 

No separation between humanity (and our inventions), and nature, no separation between my individual self and cannabis.

I love people who are telling a story that the majority of us haven’t been telling. 

I would tell myself lots of stories (and I still do…just not as much) that weren’t focussed on solutions, responsibility, freedom, joy, and love.

I had a fear of sharks (the fear is definitely still there, but I’m aware of it!), and I came across an Instagram account @Scott Fairchild. He shares his drone footage of Great White’s swimming close to surfers, going about their existence and not paying too much attention to humans in the water. I used to believe that sharks in close proximity to humans meant an imminent attack, which can be true, but it’s rare. He’s capturing their true innate behaviour and telling humanity a new story, thank you you for helping me to see sharks from a new perspective.

Cannabis was around me when I was younger, but I only smoked it a few times as a teenager, and every time I did, I was drunk, and I’m pretty sure I used to vomit every time! My experiences created some shitty beliefs around cannabis. I couldn’t understand why people smoked it, because I didn’t personally experience any benefit from it. But maybe cannabis was influencing me subliminally because it featured heavily in one of my first loves, hip hop and rap!

We’re in the beginning chapters of telling another story of cannabis from a different perspective. To accept this could be challenging, especially if the story of cannabis in your life has been the opposite.

Cannabis teaches openness and puts the mind into a state of being open to new ideas, new approaches, new perspectives (informed by the body), and holding multiple truths (this one can be very fucking hard and I’m in a constant state of learning).

I love telling a new story of cannabis, with the foundation of the relationship based on reciprocity; respecting her teachings and her peaceful influence on humanity.

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