
Mar 094 min read

Can an artist be an entrepreneur?

I recently read a really cool definition of an entrepreneur being someone who identifies a problem which has presented itself, and having the passion to present the solution in the form of a business.

The entrepreneurial spirit is around us everywhere, I see it a lot in web3, highly passionate people who by simply participating in the blockchain space, not necessarily a business owner, but equally driven by the identification of a problem and who are passionate about being part of the solution – it’s inspirational.

 When “entrepreneur” comes to my mind, I think of people who are laser focussed on their business and dedicating almost all of their waking hours to it.

Can an artist be an entrepreneur? Can an entrepreneur move slowly? Can an entrepreneur have more than one passion?

 My life was very problematic and not in the way that my life is now absent of problems; but the problem was very simple, my life lacked passion. Although my career was fulfilling to an extent, it definitely wasn’t fuelled by passion – more like obligation, plus I didn’t allow myself any opportunity to be a connected Mum to my children. It led to burnout…and was the catalyst to a painful yet blissful awakening.

 “Dark feminine energy is not Feminism. And the moment you can feel this clearly and see through the deception will be a defining moment in your life. Too many women live a life too afraid to be disliked. Too afraid to grab ahold of the love they deserve, pleasure they desire and shadows they must face. A spectacular life is built layer by layer through discernment and boundaries. Clarity and intuitive transparency. A passionate life is built on our boldness. To leap more, speak more, ask for more, surrender more, sit still more, fantasise more and die a thousand times before our body is buried. Excitingly and willingly.” – Britt Johnson.

 I love this artist. Her words flow without any intervention, dilution and doubt from the mind. Pure expression channelled from the body upwards.

 I know cannabis isn’t a solution for everyone and is problematic for some, but for me it was profoundly life changing, and reignited my passion for life through helping me connect to my feminine energy, which is distinctly different from feminism. Men are fucking legendary.

 I love writing about cannabis because it was part of the solution to a problem that had presented in my life. I am passionate about sharing another side to the plant, because there still exists a stigma rooted in fear and shame. When I started smoking cannabis, no one I knew smoked; maybe they did but didn’t tell me, and of course the fear of judgement would’ve held them back, because I was one of those people who judged others for smoking weed. I was totally conditioned to believe that cannabis is bad for your health, makes you lazy and unmotivated etc. etc… and I call bullshit on that. …maybe the plant does exacerbate these tendencies in some, but at the end of the day, we choose what our relationship to cannabis looks like. If it’s used to escape and numb, yep, it’s not going to help. But if it’s used with intention to bring more joy, face your shadows, confront (and integrate) your ego, bring you back into your body, stimulate your imagination (and take action from the ideas), then cannabis can be powerful.

The feminine wisdom of cannabis is really where the plant shines. If there is one thing that cannabis does the best, it’s this: the plant connects women to their womb. Our womb is the source of passion and life, ideas that originate from the soul and sent up to the mind into the imagination. The womb can light up your pathway. It’s not just the conception of life where cannabis plays a profound role, but also the conception of ideas which can be birthed into your reality.

Sex and cannabis is a solution to a problem if treated with reverence and intention.


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