
May 082 min read

The title is in the image!

Cannabis is highly solutions oriented and the solutions are offered to you in really imaginative ways (literally via the imagination).

If we treat cannabis as medicine in the way that Western culture defines medicine, then we’re limiting ourselves to being unfixable/broken and cannabis is used simply as a treatment of a symptom. 

But if we respect cannabis as a teacher, then we intentionally participate in the relationship as a student to learn from the plant, meaning that we’re willing to be open to the solutions that the plant is offering.

We then have access to our potential to improve our well-being as a whole, rather than just treating individual and separate symptoms. 

And then resonance becomes the indicator before the logic comes into it. 

Such as blockchain technology. I don’t fully understand it logically but I don’t ‘have to understand the technology for it to resonate within the body and know that it aligns with my values, taught to me via cannabis through inspiration. 

Blockchain is the opposite of a top down hierarchy. This kind of technology from a non-tech perspective is really fucking exciting. But for any tech lovers, I reckon you’d be blown away by the complexity, and pace of evolution taking place. I appreciate these types of people a lot. If it weren’t for the intellectually driven mathematicians and computer scientists, and anyone involved in cryptography and the building out of this technology, then it just wouldn’t exist. Humans are cool!

The community within most of the blockchain space (at least the ones I’ve seen), is inspiring. The people working in it are highly passionate, extremely generous, and driven by values that come from the heart. There’s a depth to their purpose that is felt, without needing to grasp the logic of it…because that comes in time…I hope!

Thank you to everyone who has been involved in my crypto journey so far! It’s a rollercoaster ride that’s for sure!!

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