
Jun 122 min read

I don’t know if Rick Rubin has a relationship with cannabis so I hope he doesn’t mind me incorporating his quotes into what it is that cannabis teaches me. Thank you @rickrubin for your wisdom! 🙏

Before cannabis, I didn’t want to think anymore. Thinking felt bad within the body and it was like I was lacking the ability to discern because I perceived danger everywhere. 

Cannabis helped me alter my perception so I was clearer in my thoughts, and I began to enjoy thinking again, and with that came the ability to discern better. 

We’re living in a time with a shitload of variety, and it can be easy to become overwhelmed with where to look and who to listen to. And as the tech platforms evolve to allow for greater self expression and connection, the skill of coming back to our self, without getting caught up in the external world (often with fear driven messages) I feel is becoming more of a priority. Cannabis encourages you to tune into you, and develop trust in your body as it amplifies the messages from the body to the brain. 

I get lots of practice in my parenting communication, and as I’m talking to my kids, I’m recognising that my message is fear driven which I guess can be common in a parent-child relationship? Cannabis helps me to acknowledge the fear and create alternative ways to communicate from a state of safety, and hopefully in my acknowledgement that fear is at the root of the message, our children are developing the ability to discern, which I feel is going to be so important for the next generation! 

Thank you cannabis 🙏✨🌱

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