
May 072 min read

Ride the waves

A ceremony with cannabis is a meeting with your highest self. The brain is operating at its highest purpose, specifically the imagination, showing what you are here for as a creator.

This last week, I took a hiatus from cannabis. The message never comes through directly, but unfolds in the most natural and necessary way, with circumstances aligning for the hiatus to occur.

We spent the majority of the last week on the Gold Coast, and our trip away was fast paced. We moved almost the entire time, with minimal downtime - we pretty much walked all day and all night until we went to bed. It was also the lead up to a really significant anniversary for us, and I don’t think we quite understood the magnitude of emotional processing that was needed, but I’m thankful that life aligned for us to be there to move through it physically and emotionally. It was such a crazy week that it was a fucking ceremony in itself!

The primary teaching of cannabis is one of unconditional love. She can provide so much self-awareness, and sometimes it’s like a test…she sends me off to navigate experiences without her direct guidance. Am I really integrating her lessons? Am I really aware of my blindspots (like I think I am)? Am I really accepting of all parts of myself (and therefore others), including the ugly and painful parts that I’ve rejected and shamed in the past. I really don’t know if I passed the test but I gained a shitload of wisdom, reached new depths of patience, and came back to my body to breathe through it all, surrendering to the moment, and welcoming the darkness.

Thank you cannabis for coming into my life and showing me what it’s really like to be alive and feel it all.

Thank you to my deepest lover, my deepest trigger, teacher and ultimate mirror, Ernell.

Thanks to me for being a devoted student of cannabis and integrating her gentle teachings.

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