
Apr 192 min read

Taurus Season, New Moon... and 420!

Today is the 20th April, a significant day in the cannabis world - 420 is globally symbolic for celebrating everything cannabis. It’s also a powerful new moon and the beginning of Taurus season all falling on the one day!

So I guess my way to celebrate all of this is to write about the topic that I feel most passionate about: sex and cannabis, this combination was PROFOUNDLY life changing.

Going from living my life in a way that can essentially be summed up as dysfunctional was a reflection of my sexual dysfunction, and cannabis coming into my life at a such a necessary time was probably the most synchronistic moment of my life. Thank you cannabis for teaching me about my body. Thank you cannabis for sharing your wisdom. Thank you cannabis for connecting me to my truth.

Cannabis speaking to me through my body taught me that:

When sex was a numbing experience, life was numb.

When I treated sex as a chore, I treated life like a chore.

When sex was as a painful experience, life was painful. 

When sex was rushed, life was rushed.

When sex was a dissociating experience, life was dissociation. 

When sex was shallow and superficial, life was shallow and superficial.

Thank you cannabis for being one of the most influential teachers of sex and life.  

Teaching me to become more present.

To let go.

To slow down, feel, and enjoy.

To confront my fears, including the fear of intimacy.

To reconnect.

To embrace all parts of me (including the rage).

To heighten my intuition.

To strengthen my ability to discern.

To balance my body and mind.

To love my intellect as much as my body.

To show me what it feels like to really be alive.

For broadening my perspective.

For opening my heart…and cervix.

For being unconditionally loving.

If I was to offer any advice today, it would be for all of the cannabis friendly people in my life, to take the time to consume cannabis in whichever way feels best and let her guide you in your next sexual experience!


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