
Apr 035 min read

Discovering freedom.

It’s a polarising plant. People seem to either love it or hate it.  

Some people have incredibly dependent relationships on the plant which looks to be unhealthy.

My analytical brain ticks over as I observe people who smoke massive amounts…and I often wonder if they’re receiving the deep levels of wisdom or if they’re escaping? If I smoked enormous amounts, I would end up highly paranoid, and not highly blissful.…but really who am I to judge?

Cannabis  brings up fear…but it feels different to the anxiety of living. It helps change our relationship to fear - I can now sit with it much easier than I previously could. I use fear more as a compass for where I’m heading rather than letting it stop me from living like I used to.

This is my perspective on the world through my own personal experience and the beauty and ugliness of the world is that every one has their own unique perspective, and my perspective is totally full of contradictions.

Women and cannabis are a match made in heaven.

 I’m not writing about every woman in society but I’m writing about a lot.

 We’re taught that our wombs and our body take a backseat to our head.

And it begins right from birth…in the hospital.

Where the most natural thing in the world is treated like an emergency.

Everything that goes against safety within the body. Baby enters the world from 9 months of darkness in the womb and greeted with bright lights, stranger’s voices, separated from the mother and put into a basket with no skin contact. We know about secure attachment and what newborns and mum need to both feel safe, yet it’s still hospital protocol to separate mum and baby…maybe this is changing…I don’t really know because I haven’t been near the system since I had my fourth biological child.

And then we go to school, and we’re taught not to question. Do as we’re told. Behaviour out of the norm is naughty, and requires disciplinary action and punishment. Punishment for everything. For speaking without raising a hand, for wanting to move the body, for wanting to play longer, for not paying attention, for expressing too much, for struggling to fit in.  

Achievement is the goal. Focus on getting the highest grades in subjects you may have no interest in, in order to go to university so you can receive a piece of paper that somehow qualifies you to tell other people what to do...because science, and all this will set you back close to 100k before your 21st birthday.

 Then there’s sexual education. A full anatomical lesson and how a baby is created biologically, but no mention of how it’s completely normal for sexual experimentation at this age….the big elephant in the room. 

And then the shaming of young women as they start experimenting with their self-expression. Too sexual, too much skin showing, and the cycle of shame continues as judgement is made.

And then comes the education around drugs. Schools are prohibiting students to go to the toilets during class time in futile attempts to eliminate vaping. Meanwhile in Amazonian cultures, fourteen year olds are being initiated into ayahuasca ceremonies (I’m not saying that ancient cultures have everything right, and the Western World has everything wrong, just highlighting how ‘drugs’ are viewed in differing cultures!). And do I need to mention how acceptable alcohol is in society, yet from my perspective it is the most dangerous. And danger from what anyway? Death? What if we choose when and how we leave this world? What if this world is one big simulation and peoples’ exit strategies might appear reckless but are serving a far greater purpose than we are capable of realising or comprehending. Who really knows!

And then we reach motherhood, and we give up our instincts (during the most instinctive experience of a woman’s life), and hand it over to the experts who tell us when birth needs to begin, the duration of labour, what position we need to be in, constant interruption, and when intervention becomes necessary.

It’s no longer about our safety anymore, it’s about their safety, and control is the mechanism used to keep them (the institutions) safe.

Safe from what – criticism,  lawsuits, ability to make money, losing control in general?

 And the contradiction to everything I just wrote:

 I appreciate modern medicine and there is a time and place when it’s necessary, and there’s no question that their intentions are well-meaning. Thank you.

School is currently providing amazing opportunities for my children that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to provide them. Amongst the punishment and control of the school system are dedicated and passionate teachers. And for some, school is a supportive and reliable environment that can be the stability and safety in a chaos dominant childhood.

Science can be very fucking cool and I happen to love a lot of it…and this is probably where discernment comes into it - we begin to feel when there’s an underlying agenda.

 And it was cannabis that helped me wake up and see the control at play, but her teachings don’t just help me recognise institutional control, it helps me recognise the areas of my life where I’m controlling, and I’m guilty of it as much as the next person, because I’m just another human figuring out how to live a life of joy and freedom!

That’s it for now! Thanks for reading!

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