
Apr 112 min read

You get to choose how to live

Comparison was a high priority analytical task that I dedicated so much of my focus towards. It was my benchmark in life - comparing the way I was living against others. If it didn’t measure up, my perception defined it to mean that I was doing something wrong, or not well enough.

Chasing more qualifications, chasing a better job, chasing more money, making sure that the kids were well behaved and enrolled in a school with a ‘good reputation’ because that translated to more opportunity. My perception was heavily influenced by repressed fear, lack, and essentially living in a permanent state of fight or flight, my body was informing my mind that living was a threat.

Cannabis opened up everything and has been the most influential teacher in guiding me to live life how I choose. There is no right or wrong way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, regardless whether they’re family or strangers. No one gets to tell you what choices you should be making.

If it feels aligned to you, then it’s right for you. If you’re living it right now, then it’s meant for you. Explore the edges, depths, and boundaries of how unique you really are and practice directing your focus and energy towards that which brings you more joy.

Pick yourself back up when you realise that your thoughts have spiralled into a self-destructive loop. Choosing better thoughts takes practice, and patience. Choosing new ways takes courage. If you’ve walked away from the norm, celebrate that decision, and honour every small action that you’ve taken to create a new life.

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