
Mar 153 min read

Living within the confines of compliance

I used to love compliance (it was my actual job haha), I loved trying to get people to follow the rules. It totally fed my false sense of safety…but everything I was living was false.

 Self-leadership can sometimes feel daunting. And for those who lack confidence in their true self, excessive rumination is a pretty good indicator of this…I still fall back into old habits of overthinking stuff.

The body is playing a huge role in the ability to discern. The body actually leads the way. If we’re in a permanent state of fight or flight, compliance is safe, the cage of confinement is warm and cosy, nothing bad can happen to us here, but until its recognised that we’re restricting ourselves to the confines of an internal cage, external reality will reflect the internal. Aaah thank you cannabis for helping me develop some self-awareness and help me come back to the body.

Freedom can feel unfamiliar, but that’s where we have the limitless opportunity to become who we really are, without anyone telling us how to live or who we should listen to. Our personal freedom is essential to well-being. Life may need to become so painful and intolerable as we back ourselves into a corner, until it gets to a point where there is no other option but to let go of the reins, and surrender to the chaos. And that’s the turning point; deciding to choose our well-being and our self over what schools and educational institutions say is right, what the government says is right, what the law says is right, and what a huge chunk of society says is right. When we prioritise our well-being, an incredibly powerful decision is made in these moments. When we choose the path of self- discovery and self-leadership, we can reach new depths of courage and deeper levels of self-trust. Our ability to discern is strengthened with every choice we make based on our well-being…which is EQUALLY informed by the body and mind, and our unique path of joy.

The most valuable way to spend our time becomes more about  ‘unlearning’ everything we have been taught, conditioned, and programmed to behave in society:

Expression must fit within what’s acceptable by society’s standards. Nope.

Sex and drugs are taboo. Do not talk positively or openly about this. Nope.

Money is only made through hard work.Nope.

Work is supposed feel exhausting, otherwise it’s not productive. Nope.

Productivity can only be measured through tangible output. Nope.

The more fields of science I study, the more knowledge I gain, the smarter I become. Nope.

Logic reigns supreme. Nope.

Admittedly, I still need to love and value my intellect a bit more than I do, there is some deep levels of resentment towards that part of myself, and I’m projecting a lot of that shit outwards….but the wisdom of the body has been dismissed for so long…literally fucking lifetimes. The layers run very fucking deep. Who ever would’ve thought that choosing pleasure, bliss and joy, and prioritising well-being is an act of rebellion. Our life is supposed to be enjoyable. We didn’t come here to be slaves and let everyone else be the experts on our self. You are your own scientist and your own expert. Research you. Conduct your own experiments and draw your own conclusions about how you choose to live in this world joyfully.

P.S. sending love to my intellect and to every other human intellect for collectively creating this very fucking cool world we live in!


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