
Feb 232 min read

If we want to examine that which we call God, we could start with examining the orgasm.

If we want to examine that which we call God, we could start with examining the orgasm. Nothing is more pure than this. God fully expressed, felt, and channeled through you.

I love the brain and its capacity to understand and explain stuff. I love how cannabis interacts with the brain and sets curiosity and the imagination on fire.

There is a massive aspect to creativity and creation with cannabis, with no distinction between the creation of a life or the creation of a business, art, etc. The energy involved in the creation of life is the same energy involved to create a tangible or intangible thing and cannabis heightens this.

The origin of the word psychedelic derives from two Greek words: ‘psyche’: meaning the mind, soul, spirit; and ‘deloun’ meaning to manifest.

Cannabis is psychedelic - a mind manifestor.

 The origin of the word ‘entheogen’ is also derived from two ancient Greek words: ‘entheos’ meaning God within, or inspired, and is also the root of the English word for enthusiasm; and ‘genesthe’ meaning to generate. The meaning: That which generates God.

 Cannabis is entheogenic - a source of inspiration.

And cannabis and sex is one of the purest entheogens available to humans.

It’s clear, and understandable but also unexplainable and mysterious.  

 La Petit Mort is the French derived expression for the orgasmic state and translates to ‘little death’.

Sex and cannabis confronts the ego and brings about mini ego deaths, and the new is always being realised.

Our cells are in a constant state of regeneration.

Cannabis and sex is revitalising – the origin of aliveness rest within our womb and cannabis awakens it and turns it on, almost like a light switch. It turns on the light.

 Cannabis and sex.

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