
Mar 232 min read

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

 Thank you cannabis for amplifying the voice of the primal, intelligent body and quieting the anxious, ruminating mind.

 I trust in my reality

I trust in every experience

I trust in the feeling of having fun

I trust in the feeling of enjoyment

I trust in the choice of rest, and challenging the conditioned thoughts that come with said choice

I trust in the feeling of experiencing pleasure and pain

I trust in the timing of nature which is everything.


Thank you cannabis for teaching me to trust in myself.


I slowly, little by little turn towards my shadow

including all the really ugly parts

the shame, the intensity of rage and anger, the impulsiveness, the urge to escape and to make excuses for my avoidance

the seemingly unnecessary triggers and emotionally immature reactions that take place numerous times a day!


Thank you cannabis for teaching me to turn towards my shadow and face my intensity, for being unconditionally loving when lessons are repeatedly offered even if I make the choice not to learn in that moment.

I feel the fear.

Sometimes I run away, sometimes I face it.

Thank you cannabis for gently pulling down the veil and showing me that it’s safe to play in the mystery.

Thank you cannabis for coming into my life at a time when I was ready to let go and learn to live.

Thank you to me for being a diligent (not always but mostly) student of one of the most influential teachers of life.

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