
May 181 min read

There’s something about what cannabis teaches me about the imagination that is complex and beyond my comprehension, but to simplify the teaching: creation is so good for our well-being. And any stifling of the desire to express is in opposition to our well-being.

And it’s related to the channelling of energy. Our creative energy doesn’t have to only be expressed through the sexual experience (although that is productive for humanity and what cannabis specialises in), but the next best thing is an alternative medium, whatever that is for you.

If whatever you’re seeing in your imagination resonates within the body, then it’s meaningful and meant to be expressed for the benefit for humanity. The world was thrown into chaos, and this is some good energy to leverage. I feel like we are in a highly creative era, at least the most creative that I have ever felt in my lifetime…and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that feels this too! Especially the creations that are rooted in sustainability, unity, and well-being.

Thank you cannabis for helping me align my imagination with my heart (and womb) and develop self-trust in this highly creative period of our evolution.

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