
Apr 243 min read

The Plant of Peace

Would we know peace if it weren’t for conflict?

I have a relationship with cannabis but I’m not always in a state of peace, sometimes it’s the complete opposite. Characteristics of intensity and impulsiveness can mean a life filled with fireworks that’s for sure! And my own emotions of anger and rage trigger a fuckload of internal shame. And to this day, I still project that shame onto my husband and my children when they express their anger and rage. Happened yesterday actually!

But I love the gift of self-awareness that cannabis offers, there’s a huge masculine element to the plant, and sometimes a high can be nothing more than a period of self-reflection. It’s a moment in time when the body and mind comes into harmony; the self-reflection kicks in and cannabis holds space for the emotional processing, guiding you through the shame to reach a state of self-acceptance.

Acceptance of all. Everyone is a mirror. Who you admire and love is a reflection of you. Who you find triggering is a reflection of you, and often they’re one and the same person. It’s a liberating feeling when this is understood, even when we fall back into self-imprisoning patterns. There’s freedom in understanding that who you are and where you are right in this moment is as it’s meant to be.

I’m an overthinker (could be why I love cannabis so much), and the value that cannabis can bring to the imagination is so powerful. Imagining what your utopia looks like is highly productive, even if it’s to the point of delusion! Being delusional is fun!

“Imagining is not a purely cognitive activity that is separate from a person’s involvement in the world around them. Better instead to consider the verb rather than the noun form and explore the process through which cognition, body and landscape come together in imagining.” Janowski, Dr Monica; Ingold, Professor Tim (2012-09-01). Imagining Landscapes: Past, Present and Future.

And only on self-reflection, did I recognise that my imagination was always being exercised. When I was in a permanent state of fight-or-flight, my anxious body was sending up messages which injected fear based scenarios into my imagination. Worst case scenarios that really didn’t serve anyone. If my external reality wasn’t fear inducing enough, my imagination was. There was no escape.

The brain is densely packed with cannabinoid receptors (especially in the limbic system) and it is a sexual organ…some say it’s the most powerful. To have the imagination functioning in the most harmonious way for you, sex and cannabis is a practice to strip away all that’s not for you and to come into pure, peaceful alignment of your purpose.

Thank you cannabis for your guidance and for holding space while the student figures herself out!

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