
Jun 123 min read


The spirit of cannabis is everywhere around us and has most likely been a source of inspiration for an invention, piece of art, business, or relationship that we have engaged with regardless of our personal views on the plant. 

Steve Jobs, inventor of the iPhone had entheogenic experiences (with cannabis and LSD) which he said helped expand his mind and see the world differently. Apparently his use was during his college years, but it could be easy to believe that his inventions were born during an altered state, although I guess we’ll never know.

Carl Sagan, astronomer and author wrote a secret essay back in 1969 (under the pseudonym Mr X. to avoid repercussions from the stigma): “there’s a part of me making, creating the perceptions which in everyday life would be bizarre; there’s another part of me which is a kind of observer).”

“The cannabis experience has greatly improved my appreciation for art, a subject which I had never much appreciated before. The understanding of the intent of the artist which I can achieve when high sometimes carries over to when I’m down. This is one of many human frontiers which cannabis has helped me traverse.”

Cannabis has had a huge influence in music, esecially the hip hop genre (and probably across all the genres), but for some reason hip hop mentions the source of inspiration prolifically.  Hip hop might not be considered as philosophical as other forms of expression (it is to me though) - but it’s arguably a form of timeless  art and creative ingenuity. 

“Still puffin’ my leaves, still fuck with the beats”

-Dr Dre Still D.R.E

"We smokin’ quarter pounds of that good stuff

Oh yea we smoking all night

Yea puff puff that shit right here

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale," 

Dr Dre Kush

"Wanna thrive? 

I invite you to sesh with me"

-Lizzy Jeff (Ladybug Free)

“My desires unfold as I puff on hydroponics” 

-Lizzy Jeff

Use music as meditation,

The weed for medication

-Sauce God, Knowledge of self. 

 We all flown’ on the wave of the moon phase

Prefer to see my ganja nice and frosty

I proceed to add a pinch of that Marley

CBD with sativa better than coffee

Then I light it and I toke it, never coughing. 

I prefer organic herb like my groceries. 

-Lizzy Jeff 

Cannabis has had a huge influence on human creativity and somehow allows us to restore nerural pathways which transmit the trinity of futuristic, ancient, and present.

It offers us the potential to alter the perception of our individual and interconnected world for the better.  

In this highly creative period that is now, cannabis is expressing balance and harmony through the human perception.  

If you have a relationship with cannabis, then now is a good time to start trusting in your ideas.

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