
May 162 min read

Do you buy into the stigma? Do you hide your relationship to cannabis? And if so, why? 

I’ve felt some shame and a shitload of fear about what people would think. I’ve only been smoking cannabis for about 6 years ago, so I guess in some ways I mightn’t carry the same level of shame about it…but working through these emotions has been so beneficial. 

And also because it was profoundly life changing and has been such a big part of my growth, that for me to not be open about it, would feel like I was hiding a massive part of myself. 

Cannabis encourages expression from the heart and helps me to observe how I’ve interacted within the institutions of society and the damage to my health and well being (and my family’s) living in a constant state of fear and danger. 

Cannabis allows me to feel safety and freedom within my own body and mind, with less influence from the external world…and I worry less about what people think. 

I believe cannabis is going to play a bigger part in society as more people open up about the benefits about their relationships with cannabis which are based on responsibility, respect, awareness, and intention so the generations that come after us have a greater understanding and mutually beneficial relationship with this plant. 

Thank you to everyone working in the medical system who are excited about the discoveries of cannabis and our endocannabinoid system and producing studies demonstrating the benefits.

Thank you to everyone working in the educational institutions, who are open to the research on cannabis and embracing the new discoveries to inform their teachings. 

Thank you to everyone who are creating communities around the benefits of entheogens. 

Thank you to everyone who creates art around their relationship to the entheogens.

Thank you everyone in the tech community who embrace all forms of expression  and are creating platforms for humans to use to express their art (including instagram and facebook even if they are slightly heavy handed with the entheogen inspired art). And huge levels of appreciation to the web3 developers who are creating censorship resistant platforms, who are aware of the fine line that humans collectively are going to have to walk when it comes to freedom of expression.

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