
Apr 042 min read

Psychedelic Integration.



A joy based life is a life filled with creation.

A psychedelic journey is filled with ups and downs, fear and joy, pleasure and pain – it’s an amplification of life and a cannabis journey is no different. Consuming in a ritualistic, intentional setting is different to smoking it recreationally. There’s much more to this plant than most of us can understand.

 A life with creativity at the core means a willingness to do the work with the womb, the cervix specifically - this is how we give birth to a life, or an idea. The journey becomes a gentle opening that with full presence and full focus of the mind leads you to a place where there is no thought… just feeling as the body beings to speak to the mind through the imagination.

A place where you’ve handed over the reigns to cannabis to guide you into taking your levels of trust to incrementally greater depths; the barometer for your progress if it could be measured is the degree of bliss that you feel. Some people talk about taking drugs to chase the initial feeling of that first hit, but this isn’t the same - to ‘chase’ a feeling implies absence, but with sex and cannabis, it’s a gradual realisation that it’s been inside you all along. Cannabis and sex is a practice that can be applied to life. The more you let go, the greater the focus, the more powerful your ability becomes to silence thought and follow your joy.

Cannabis and sex is psychedelic integration. It’s the discovery and application of ancient wisdom, the greatest form of intelligence you have access to, and the imagination is the interpretation of the messages and communication from the womb.

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