
Jun 122 min read

Ten years ago, if anyone were to tell me that cannabis inspired writing was in my future, I would’ve thought they were crazy. 

I wasn’t attuned to my children.

I was married but not really connected. 

I lived completely outside of myself and was looking externally for some kind of validation which mostly involved status (I think?).

I was working in business compliance, and although there were parts which I enjoyed and I learned lots of cool shit, the career became exhausting and I reached a point where I realised that it was no longer meaningful for me.…and the justification I provided when I handed in my resignation. 

Cannabis came into my life around 6 or so years ago, and connected my body to my imagination, and I began using it (the imagination) like I would’ve as a child (🌱Cannabis evokes the inner child). 

A really good indicator of whether I’m in an aligned state of well-being is by what I’m imagining. If it’s worst case scenarios, then that’s my indicator to drop into the body.

And if we’re imagining really cool shit, then it’s a good indicator that the mind is aligned with the body from a state of safety and joy. 

And I guess for a cannabis journey, it takes you through it all. It has a way of silencing the inner noise, but can also send the mind down some looping paths - the fears come up, the massive levels of doubt appear, and sometimes it’s the gut churning shame, but you learn to guide yourself through these emotions and thoughts, becoming less and less resistant to them, until you reach a state of surrender and acceptance of just how little control we have over this weird but cool existence! 

And when I recognise that what I’m imagining is coming to life, for me - that’s meaningful, regardless of what it means to others.

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