
Apr 213 min read

The Original Teacher of Tantra

Sometimes I wonder who exactly I’m writing for…am I trying to change people’s opinions on cannabis? I try not to think too much about that because sometimes I write from that place, and it feels a bit superficial, and it’s a constant practice to dig deeper, because ultimately that’s not my intention. And yeah I do kind of wish that more people would be open to cannabis…but I’m not forcing it. And at the end of the day, this brings me joy, so I write selfishly for me.

I also wonder why some people have what appears to be a destructive relationship with the plant, but for others, it’s highly beneficial, quite literally. Especially if every single human is here for a purpose, playing some kind of role in a bigger picture that can’t be comprehended with the human mind.

I received a reading the other day from a beautiful woman, and she asked me what it is that I teach, which is a very fucking good question! Haha! I see every human in my life as a teacher. So if that is my truth, then I am a teacher too.

I love Carl Jung’s mind a lot, especially his work on synchronicity, which he defined as an “acausal connecting (togetherness) principle,” “meaningful coincidence”, “acausal parallelism” or “meaningful coincidence of two or more events where something other than the probability of chance is involved.”

And this is how cannabis coming into my life felt like, massively synchronistic. I’d just given up my career, and I’d had one of the most significant relationships in my life come to an end. And up until that point, my identity was centred around both.

And her initial teachings came in the form of relief, an exceptional fucking emotion when every hour of life has been filled with fear and panic. Cannabis teaches in a really gentle way, but it doesn’t mean her teachings are any less powerful. And I reckon it’s at this point where it comes undone, in relationships that are based on reliance rather than respect and reverence.

She is the original teacher of tantra, and we are designed to receive the teachings. I’m not a man, so I don’t know what that’s like, but we all have an endocannabinoid system with receptors throughout the brain and body. It’s not a coincidence that the CB1 receptor is considered to be the most abundant G protein coupled receptor in the brain (THC and the CB1 receptor is BLISS). The brain gets a lot of attention in scientific literature, but if we started to shift some of our focus to the core of human creation - the sexual organs, I reckon it would be an exciting discovery on just how much of a role cannabis is playing in our evolution, and how connected we really are.

So what do I teach….I teach women to trust in cannabis!!

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